My Future Children's Names Be Like

Bonjour there stalkers. 12:40 am probably isn't the right time to publish such a hopeful feeling towards naming children but it's okay. Try to understand my mood, will you?

Okay now I will reveal the truth of my passion of naming my future kiddos. I am an Indonesian, and I hope my future husband will be an Indonesian too so I won't have any of fucking nationality problems in family. Speaking frankly about loving my country so much, yeah, you can tell. I am a nationalist but not that fanatic. Seen from the side of government's, my country has nothing to be adored. Absolutely nothing. We get plenty of problems in the whole part of Indonesia, kind of problems a developing country would have. Currently we summoned a brand new and fresh-from-the-oven president, Your Highness Mr. Joko Widodo and although I didn't participate in his general election, I lay my high hopes of the future Indonesia on his shoulder. So I've nothing much to worry about the government. I will never like them anyway. Not today, not tomorrow, not even in my previous life. Thinking slightly about them is just enough to make my whole head churned in pain. But beside the government's dickheads, there's nothing I don't admire from my country. Its history, its culture, I fall in love with every inch of its land, its sky, and everything buried under. 

So now you're wondering in which way the previous paragraph could relate to my children's names, aren't you?

Let's see:
1. Mahajana Firdaus Parameswara
2. Maharaja Ikhsan Ranawijaya
3. Senja Dayana Tunggadewi

I wishfully hope that my future children would be two boys or a boy and a girl. Being a girl changing to woman needs an endless power so I don't expect the present of upcoming girls taken out to see the world from my belly. I'd really love to teach them how to fence and learn another martial arts, because I was a fencer and all, of course. And if it happens that I should be a mother of a girl, she has to be a woman with class, high-prided but also generous to the people around her. And for my sons, all I want them to be is: a worthy man to be standing equally and respected by women in the same class as my daughter's. That those girls with pride will wholeheartedly come to stand in line to meet them. HAHAHAHA. Good luck, my sons. It will be really hard for you living a life with a mother like me. 

And their nicknames are Maha for Mahajana, Ikhsan for Maharaja, and Senja for Senja Dayana. I won't put my future husband's name to be their last names because if (in case) they get into troubles someday, they will carry their own names, not their father's. I don't know how good my future husband would be, but he must be someone I'll love until I reach my last breath. And I can assure you no one will embarrass the one I love's name. Not even my own blood. I think I understand lots of daddy who don't put their last name on their child's. 

Oh it sounds so much like my dad. 

But I swear I'm not sorta troublesome. 

And finally we approach the last part of this post, their name's meanings. Okay I'll start with the first. Mahajana comes from Sanskrit, which means a great man, or someone who does something amazing like heroes, president, founder, scientist, B.J. Habibie et cetera. It is my dream to make myself considered equal to my second role model Bapak Baharuddin Jusuf Habibie and later, if I happen not to catch this dream on my palm, this honorable burden will be on shoulders of this name's holder. Remember that, Son. Firdaus is the name of highest level of Islamic heaven in afterlife. And Parameswara was the name of Majapahit's Crown Prince who ran away during rebellion time. He managed to reach Sumatera and became a Moslem. He's also known as Iskandar Shah. 

Maharaja means His Majesty, or Your Highness, commonly used in a king's title. Ikhsan in Arabic means perfect or best, the one who can hold their negative passions, their anger, every negative thing would do. Ranawijaya was one of the last kings of Majapahit. I don't pick it because it contains Rana which is my own name. But Ranawijaya did a great stuff for sure, reuniting the broken unity of remaining Majapahit's small parties. It brought me to tears. Especially the fact that Ranawijaya was a male, while I am a female. 

Senja means senja. It really takes my phone battery's last power to write this down so if you're really desperate to know the meaning if this name, you can just type 'senja' on Google's search box. Don't forget to click image. It surely is beautiful. You don't need my further explanation why I pick this one for one of my successor's name. Ah. This is also a brave yet beautiful character in Merah Putih, a legendary historical heroic movie. Dayana means graceful, a woman with attitude, etiquette, knows her place. And the last but not least, Tunggadewi which is a part of Tribhuwanatunggadewi Jayawisnuwardhani herself, a queen of Majapahit. 

Look like I've poured not only my thoughts but also my hopes here. Those pillows are calling. See you on the next post! 

WARNING: don't ever copy my children's names mentioned above. If someday I find out that any of you use those names for your kids, you're really dead 


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